Vitamin E Wards Off Liver Cancer?

Anthony Clavien: vitamin E stops cancerCould it be true that one of the most widely utilized vitamins on earth is potentially one of the best new ways scientists have discovered to keep liver cancer at bay? Yes, it is true. Vitamin E could be one of the best responses to liver cancer, based on new research.

According to the results of the Shanghai Women’s and Men’s Health Study that took place over the course of ten years, those who consumed more vitamin E from both ood sources and vitamin supplement sources were found to be at a lower risk for developing liver cancer, even if there was a strong genetic marker for it in the family history.

It is now believed that specific types of vitamin E, specifically those found in corn and soy oils can actually stop the growth of cancer, and has already done so in laboratory mice. According to a recent article in the Huffington Post, “The researcher of that study, Chung S. Yang, director of the Center for Cancer Prevention Research at Rutgers, added that another past study in the journal Cancer Prevention Research shows that the delta-tocopheral vitamin E form stops colon cancer development in rats more so than other kinds of vitamin E.” Anthony Clavien brings you this information as a way to educate yourself back to health and wellness!